NFT museum of art and science SPECIAL BLEND CLUB NFTs

NFT museum of art and science SPECIAL BLEND CLUB NFTs

NFT shЯRooms


WHITE PAPER for black holes or what is written as  black and white on our vinyl. 

As we want to be part of the constantly evolving crypto world, we start our NFT journey here small. At this page, you will be able to see an explenation for how the site was build and how to navigate easely throughout the differente projects we create. As  constantly changing surouondings, and new things pops- up every day in the crypto world, we would try to catch all the new trends in the NFT space. And the same way the world around us is changing every day, our project here would follow this and we will change the site vision frequently, so what you look now will never be the final look but more like what to expect in the future. And because every visitor is well apriciated here, please don't be judgemental about it, but creative crytic instead, because we just started and that what you see is only the begining. We have ideas for different projects in the future, some you could say innovative and revolutionary, others would follow just the well known trends and paths. So, for starter to be well orientated here, you would want and have to know:

  1. All of the NFTs created and exibitioned here are known and under the name of SPECIAL BLEND MERGING CLUB. From here you could see two shorten forks down. SPECIAL BLEND CLUB or MERGING CLUB
  2. . The author and creator of all the artwork is only one and the same regadrless you could see his works sign under four different names: GreiShaa; ShaGrei; GreiShaa ShaGrei; 3D Encore. 
  3. Because we are just started here, for the begginig all the images and NFTs you are seeing at the site are more ilustrative, meaning that the real NFTs you could see and purchase, are on the platform being minted on and you could trace them by the links provided on the site. The platforms used for that are as follows:;; 
  4. We also working on the way for direct purchase from the site. For now it is IPFS conected, meaning that you could find it and trace it trough decentralized browser but because of that, it is possible when you want to find it through Google, to say that the redirect is not safe when in fact it is. Noone from the creators are intresting in theft.
  5. You could expect more directions through the differente projects soon. 
  6. Some areas of the site are still test ground. Please patience.
  7. "The latest" is the name of the page where you could find the most recent artwork by the author with giveaway prices. You have to understand, that while frequently the author gives certain low prices, is because he wants the piece of his creation to be as a prize for his followers, to have the opportunitie for them, to put on real price as apriciation for them from 3D_EnCore. Usualy the platform markets gives a few houndried bucks as a single price for 3D_EnCore's artwork. I hope, you as a viewer and follower of the artist's work can feel the vibe here as he do. 
  8. Today is 12 of august 2022 and easely this day could be define as a game changer, making us to believe that our little adventure here, can be profitable and with glorious path before us. We, the team, are currently in love with the new look of the site, finlally we think that we have the right set of colours defining the spectrum in the right position, for better reading and with new fancy look, with the new buttons which would be instalated more equaly but despite this, the site keeps it's "hand made" perspective for charming, making it looks more accessible and friendly for everyone. Slowly but surely, today we saw our progress and we was extremely happy for our feeling of moving ahead. 
  9. Today we also officaly anounce the jointventure between the NFT artist known as 3D_EnCore and story teller and wrighter Jeremayah SweetBeat (StreatBeat), and his completely new fantasy story of our near crypto future, and the main character of that quantum entegelment called Life-BolLander. That most probably will be the name of the whole book, named after it's main character-BolLander, entangled with beautifuly made and fit NFTs as an ilustration for the book itself. The whole thing is expecting not sooner than a year, starting now. So, in the midway of 2023 we have to have a finished product of that epic script and story. 
  10. For now, mostly and mainly working on the improvment of the product we are developing, we weren't very active considering that we are in progress... But now, as we can see and feel  the content and product as whole, and having more recognizeble and finished outlook, slowly and step by step we will claim more agressive and advertising aproach for recognizing the names of 3D_EnCore visual artist, and the fictional but not exactly character of BolLander. 
  11. Don't turn your back on us but watch it instead of this, because it is just even before the begginig for us... 
  12. Today, 07.09.2022,we redirect the site to a new location with similar, as it sounds name but not similar as a meaning, which is ok for us because our goal was short, easy to remember name without subdomain. So, become, everything else stays the same. That marks the begginig of the possiblility for our readers and seeers, for direct purchase of the product from us, uploaded on decentralized ipfs protocol, with the needed hash targeting the piece of artwork as a NFT, not minted, but ready to be MINT on the platform of your choice after purchasing it. 
  13. That part of the site, the starter, with the images as ilustrative meaning and provided links to difrente platforms and market places for the buying of the already minted on blockchain NFTs would stay but we will ensure the direct method of purchase to be main method rather than the previous one. 
  14. After we decide the provided links to the platforms to stay for now, the site would be split in two parts, meaning as an expression. Up to now, the first pages were the pages with the provided links because we missed different aproach and we had to start from somewhere to build. Without foundament to step on we are nothing. From now on, these pages will be at the end of the site, modeled as a portal to a different location and the starter pages will be with the direct method of purchase, right from our site. 
  15. Of course that is not end product we offer but stepping stone to our goal-real market place of 3D_EnCore with the possiblility the NFTs to be minted directly here on our spot, with different bonus features and possiblility for our visitors to mint their own artworks. To be continiued... I 
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